Wednesday 15 August 2012

Seven Best Tips To Avoid The West Nile Virus

West Nile virus is all over Texas and the most victims come from Northern Dallas, Highland Park and the University Park.

There are already 89 severe cases confirmed out of 214 cases of illness called Neroinvasive West Nile. Eight of the fifteen casualties are from the Dallas County-Texas News

So how do we stop this West Nile virus? There is no known cure yet for this West Nile Virus but those with mild strain can recover through its own body resistance will heal you over time.

Top Tips To avoid getting the West Nile Virus

1) Always wear Long sleeves at home, school and work all the time.

2) Spray all over using the prescribe insect repellant. It must have DEET, Picaridin or oil of lemon Eucalyptus.

3) Empty or drain all the stagnant water in your place. All empty cans, tires, buckets, and gutters must be dry so that mosquitoes cannot lay their eggs and multiply.

4) cover all windows and doors with a mosquito screen so that mosquitoes cannot enter the house.

5) Buy an electric mosquito zapper trap and always keep them on! It is best that you turn this on at all times. At night, turn off your light and let the electric, mosquito traps the only one that will provide the lighting so that it will attract and kill the mosquitoes.

6) Use a mosquito net during sleep. It will further help you avoid being bitten.

7) Buy a Mosquito strap that serve as bracelet when you are leaving the house. This is cool and stylish protection your children at school can use.


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